Using Trains in Denmark

Deutsch The Danish railroads are a sad story for this country. After some experiences as frequent transit traveler on the way from Denmark to Norway or Sweden it is possible to say this without being to much biased by singular experiences that are not representative. The observations all refer to the long distance and international …

Why do railroads have no cloverleaf interchanges?

Deutsch Do cloverleaf interchanges for railroad lines exist? I must admit that I do not know all railroad lines in the world, but I consider it highly unlikely that anywhere two railroad lines are connected by a cloverleaf. They do exist in games that need not be realistic in every aspect, but this page is …

Explosion in Fertilizer Plant in Texas

Deutsch In April 2013 an explosion happened in a fertilizer production plant in Texas which had huge impact. It looks like it was ammonium nitrate which exploded. This is used for producing fertilizer. But it is also quite explosive and can be used in pure form or mixed with other substances as explosive. The worst …

Rail Projects in Northern Scandinavia

Deutsch The European region north of the arctic circle in Finland, Norway and Sweden is often called „Cap of the North“ („Nordkalotten“ in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, or „Pohjoiskalotti“ in Finnish). That area is thinly populated, but there are some towns with a few 10’000 inhabitants and a more densely populated area in their vicinity, …

Why Aluminum Recycling matters

This is an English translation of the German article Aluminiumrecycling. Why is aluminum recycling so important? aluminum (or aluminium) is occurring on the earth surface in chemically bound forms and it is the third most frequent element in the crust of the earth, after oxygen and silicon. So other than the lanthanides it is not …

Gutes neues Jahr für 2013!

Frohes neues Jahr — Bonne Année — Felice Anno Nuovo — Bun di bun an — Happy New Year — Prosperan novjaron — السنة الجديدة المبتهجة — 高兴的新年 — Godt nytår — שנה חדשה שמחה — 明けましておめでとう — Feliç Any Nou — 기쁜 새로운 년 — FELIX ANNUS NOVUS — Een gelukkig nieuwjaar — Godt …

Draining with Osmosis

For a change I am writing this about a non-railroad issue. It is the English translation of the German article Entwässerung mit Osmose. Osmosis is described quite well in Wikipedia. In short, mixing of salt solutions with different concentrations sets free some energy. For example when mixing fresh water with sea water, this energy is …

A Track is not enough

(translation of Ein Gleis alleine genügt nicht) Building and maintenance of transportation routes is often considered to be a responsibility of the state.  It is assumed that everybody can then use this routes. For transportation of persons this is only partly true.  A highway can be used by individually owned means of transportation, like bicycles …